What is the difference between acrylic paint and oil paint?

Acrylic paint dries much quicker (within 15 min - hour) compared to oil (takes days/weeks or longer). It takes 6-12 months for oil paint to dry completely in order to varnish. The drying process is also determined by the amount of paint you use depending on its texture, the thinner you apply the paint the more quickly it dries, the thicker you apply the longer it takes to dry.

Good oil paint survives for hundreds and thousands of years and is well known for its long-lasting quality. It has rich and vivid colour and is much richer in pigments whereas, in acrylic, the colour tends to darken slightly as they dry.

You can clean acrylic painted brushes using water whereas oil requires a specific medium such as paint thinner or turpentine or mineral spirits to clean the brushes. While painting, it is okay to go oils over acrylic once acrylic is dry but never acrylic over oils because the acrylic will not stick to oil, so it will flake off.

Overall, from my personal experience, oil paint supplies are much more expensive compared to acrylic paint supplies.                         


What is a 'Gessoed paper'?

Gesso is a white acrylic that is thinner than normal white acrylic paint. Personally I apply 2-3 layers of thick gesso on a good quality cartridge paper and sand it off in between using the sandpaper. This allows me to work with such sculptural effects on the surface of a paper with a brush or a palette knife while doing experimental paintings using acrylic and oils.         


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